Scranton council nixes chickens in town

Scranton residents who were considering raising chickens will have to move elsewhere after the city council unanimously denied the request to allow the fowl in town. The decision was announced during the council meeting on Nov. 14.

The bulk of the meeting consisted of reports from the library, public works and Community Center. The library has gold discs and score cards that can be checked out.

Chad Kirk reported the dead trees have been cut down but the stumps need to be removed. Christmas decorations are ready for installation as well as snow fence.

 October was a busier month at the Community Center. There are three pickleball teams competing. AAU practices have begun using the facility.

The council approved placing “no parking from here to corner” signs from Main to Eagle Sts. A large Christmas tree will be erected in Gazebo Park. The purchase of new tables for the Community Center, replacing the oldest tables, was approved. Chad Kirk was granted a $1.50 per hour pay raise. 

The next regular meeting of the council is Tuesday, Dec. 12. ~courtesy of The Scranton Journal

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